Dr. Appelin Joins Pacific Endodontics
- Dr. Appelin Joins Pacific Endodontics
- posted Jun 28, 2010 11:15 PM by Eric Appelin [ updated Nov 7, 2011 11:10 PM
- We're pleased to announce that Dr. Eric Carl Appelin has recently joined our team here at Pacific Endodontics. This comes after much careful consideration and planning. Dr. Appelin recently graduated from NYU's Postdoctoral Endodontic Program. His training includes: Nonsurgical Endodontic Root Canal Therapy, Surgical Root canal therapy, Microsurgical techniques: Apicoectomy, Hemisection, Biopsy of periradicular lesions, Extraction, Bone grafting, socket preservation and 3D CBCT interpretation... all utilized in the state of the art facility available here at Pacific Endodontics.