Root Canal Retreatment Explained
Why do I need another Root Canal?
Re-treatment of the Root Canal System may become necessary for a variety of reasons:
- New decay can infect the entire length of the root canal system causing a new infection at the tip of the tooth.
- Blocked or Untreated canal space can harbor bacterial infection and lead to symptoms like pain and abscess if not addressed in a timely manner.
If you still have a tooth you still can get decay.

Evaluating the Tooth: A multistep approach
- Removal of existing filling material, sealer cleaning the tooth and gaining access to the infected bone is necessary.
- For safety; a crown may need to be removed if a good seal, or proper isolation, cannot be accomplished while keeping the restoration intact.
- Additionally a crown may need to be removed to inspect the restorability of the tooth.
- In some cases the existing restoration can be left intact while accomplishing Re-treatment.
- Every scenario is different and must be fully explored to determine the safest most predictable way to allow for adequate healing following Re-treatment.
Setting the stage for healing
- Re-treatment is usually a multiple visit process spanning from a few weeks and in severe cases months.
- Calcium Hydroxide paste is placed in the canals to help the cleansing process.
- On completion Gutta Percha is placed in the newly cleaned canals sealing the toth from the infected bone.
- Questionable bone healing is addressed early in the process so that when the final filling material is placed you are on your way to predictable healing.